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Event Monitoring


Cardiac Event Monitoring is used to detect abnormal heart rhythms over an extended period of time. Your provider may ask you to wear this monitor for 7, 14, 21, or 30 days.  This small device records the heart’s electrical activity (rate and rhythm). 


The cardiac event monitor continuously measures from your skin surface, via the patch, electrical activity generated by your heart muscle. This type of monitor will automatically detect arrhythmias but you can also hit record if you experience symptoms that you want us to know about and see the heart rhythm during that time.  It is able, by the use of “looping” memory, to record both before and after you push the button.  You will then relay the symptoms and activities you experienced with each recording to the monitoring service. The monitor service receives monitoring information 'real time' as long as the cell adapter is near you.


After a technician explains the test they will “prep” your chest for patch placement by rubbing alcohol on the area to thoroughly clean the skin. This appointment will take about 20 minutes.  The placement area may be shaved if needed.  Once the monitor is in place the tech will explain how to trigger the monitor to record if you have symptoms, how to transmit the monitor’s recordings, who to call if you have questions or technical difficulties.

The tech will also show you how to transmit the monitor’s recordings via the cell adapter device.  You will have time to practice this. At the end of the wear period, the monitor will need to be mailed back to our monitoring company, not our office.